Thursday, January 21, 2010

Candida Yogurt Systematic Candida, High Cholesterol - I Need Info, Support And Advices?

Systematic candida, high cholesterol - I need info, support and advices? - candida yogurt

For the third time I have vaginal candida in 3 months. And I have on my tongue. I have been in obstetrics and dermatologists, and received for these medicines. Apart from that I'm still anti-candida diet (no sugar, less sugar, no yeast, fungi, 60-70% vegetables, etc.), take probiotics, Basic (which is a product that we Body ur basic) aloe vera, drink clay for internal use, and the essence of grapefruit seed, eat large amounts of pro-biotic yoghurt. And yet there is still!
I suspect that the systematic candida.
I was really too much stress, the exposure with sleep and anxiety disorders ended. It took shape in August last year and early March, when I pay while I am recovering and feeling much better, sleep well, yoga, eating healthy (I am over 90% vegetarian, not eating eggs, sometimes cheese, Yogurt lost, and only very rarely) meat, chicken or turkey.
But my statement of candida, I suspect that my immune system is super low. my last blood test showed a higher mean cholesterol and alkaline phosphate less tHave normal. I really do not know what to do with cholesterol, because a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet .. and I am now out of the tension. And I am, I think that even as a young woman of 35 years.
Can you recommend me to understand how I make my health back! What does this mean alcallic phosphate low in my blood tests?
The reactions of health professionals to be estimated.


oldtimek... said...

Looks like you're right about the merits of all, it is difficult to say why you are still running problems, without the possibility of the tests.
My advice to to take probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, and many things that you do now, that I would consult a naturopathic physician, so that they can conduct audits and investigate why you always have these problems. Good luck and I hope I helped!

angel196... said...

Let me tell you the plan that will solve your problem:

No milk or milk products (which are also rich in sugar, which) creates a perfect environment for bacteria, if you love cheese, try goat cheese
No coffee
No potatoes, bananas, mangoes, pears, no, no apples (rich) to sugar
No white flour (bread, pizza, cakes, etc.)
No white sugar, brown sugar, sugar (brown is prepared by mixing white sugar with molasses)
No regular or diet soda
No rice
N grains (too high sugar)
Use the oregano oil, 20 drops three times daily for one month, 2 times per day
N drink Red Bull or something.
Try to eat more raw garlic and onions.
Try it, you should see the difference in 3 days

angel196... said...

Let me tell you the plan that will solve your problem:

No milk or milk products (which are also rich in sugar, which) creates a perfect environment for bacteria, if you love cheese, try goat cheese
No coffee
No potatoes, bananas, mangoes, pears, no, no apples (rich) to sugar
No white flour (bread, pizza, cakes, etc.)
No white sugar, brown sugar, sugar (brown is prepared by mixing white sugar with molasses)
No regular or diet soda
No rice
N grains (too high sugar)
Use the oregano oil, 20 drops three times daily for one month, 2 times per day
N drink Red Bull or something.
Try to eat more raw garlic and onions.
Try it, you should see the difference in 3 days

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