Sunday, January 31, 2010

Seven Year Old Stomach Flu My Seven Year Old Has The Stomach Flu, What Can I Do To Make Her More Comfortable?

My seven year old has the stomach flu, what can I do to make her more comfortable? - seven year old stomach flu

She is terrified of vomiting (this is the first time he has not thrown up) and drink it out of fear of vomiting. What can I do to irritate the stomach without having to keep hydrated too. She raised her Gatorade and ginger ale - any ideas?


Sarah G said...

When my son gets it usually is pretty bad. What I did, it is to break some ice and eat .. Then try this with your daughter. Also try popcicles .. Pedilite is good. Make sure she swallows. Bit of both. If you drink too fast again. As soon as they can on the ice and have other things to work until the Gatorade .. Once they absorb liquids can give .. salted crackers and toast .. then gradually increase to normal foods. It may take a day to do so. If nothing to hold it. Call your doctor and see if she can give him somthing to vominting .. Good luck and I hope she feels better ..

ME said...

Try using only teaspoon of water to keep fluid intake. She no longer needed. As things calm down, flat, hot coke is good. Also check out hot tea. Both work well after the initial clean up of stomach contents in total.
Poor guy.
Poor you.

Anuolf said...

I had the stomach flu is precisely this last November .. I could not keep fluids, including Pepto Bismal ... So what I did, I waited a few hours and only a sip ... I mean, just enough to wet my tongue and swallow a small amount for each hour of the night, until I feel confident enough to take sip every 15-30 minutes.

But everything depends on .. I could not for the ginger ale in the first and about 2 hours long maintained after the lifting of the ginger beer I started drinking water as described above. It is not enough to move, and just enough to moisten my body slowly.

ninamcgu... said...

Hmm, difficult.

Gatorade and water are better for the stomach flu, but it requires attention to a very small sips every 5 minutes. This can help prevent vomiting.
You must be drained, perhaps one could say that if they can have a needle. (If you do not like needles) .. more work.
For now, I have always gone from the solids, if you want to eat, you can give the broth (clear liquids are the best!) Or boiled rice. In fact, water boiled rice is very good for the treatment of gastrointestinal problems, especially if you have diarrhea.
Let stand as long as they are not violent vomiting or high fever, they will be better soon.

Good Luck

I race cars said...

Cracker pedilite time you can keep cookies

theoutcr... said...

frozen popsicles. When I was cold as the Willys. (Type in plastic covers push-up, when you eat) ...

I) a price range or sugar (instead of fruit juice, because that way you do not burn) the stomach (acidic fruit.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon. realize that carbs lower in patients who dehydration (feels terrible and is the setting, so you put the needle into an eyedropper!), and have something better to throw NO! (Arcades suck!)

Jupiter Andrews said...

The most important treatment of diarrhea in children and adults is rehydration, ie replenishment of water lost in feces. Depending on the degree of dehydration, which can be done orally with oral rehydration solution (ORS), commercial (as Ceralyte) or home-made rehydration fluids, or through intravenous delivery. The symptoms may be suspended until 6 days. The return to a normal bowel movements a week.

Because of the vulnerability due to illness, rehydration of the stomach with fluid intake should result in slowly and are arranged so as not to overwhelm the stomach and nausea and vomiting. Slowly all drink few minutes, and if the vomiting occurs, it is best not to drink or eat for the next half hour.

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