Friday, February 19, 2010

How Do You Order Text Message Logs With The Text No Contact Orders? Help?

No Contact Orders? Help? - how do you order text message logs with the text

So my friend was first with Assult DV, illegal detention, then it goes on the only attempt of unlawful imprisonment in the invoice. All because a cop saw us in a public place to discuss, and when I tried to walk instinctively grabbed my friend not to go, it was harmless, but I was angry against what drove on. That, of course, it looked so bad, the officer said. There are many more details and pieces of this story, but my question is only one focal point in the first instance to. Immediately, the police only arrested until my friend! And today, had told the court he was a few courses and then pay a fine point that an order received from non-contact, also known as I see it until further notice in a few months. I said to remove the n contTo produce this document was ridculous. He is my friend of many years and now I can not see or go to jail for one year. So the question is .. How do they know that you are not really in touch with the others? Thanks to a 3rd party or not? Check your phone records for one? Text messages? Facebook? Myspace? Receive e-mail? Notes .. etc.? I know that, of course, if someone is a photograph or evidence to the police tests of logic, then the violation is clear is not a partner. But I'm curious to see how they find information, telephone or electronically?


Matt S said...

Yes, if reports from the police that he was seen with him. They Do not waste your time following people around, to no contact. But at the same time, as I said, there's more, this story then what to put here, why stay with the guy? If I had a pretty bad scene, an officer of the accused. just wait, if you chose to stay with him again. enjoy their visits to the emergency room.

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